The protective properties of the vehicle during collisions depend on the totality of its structural properties, due to the programmed deformation of the energy-absorbing elements of the body in combination with the performance of the restraint systems.
Modern testing and measuring equipment allows the specialists to conduct the following types of works:
any types of crush tests, including the vehicles equipped with the accident emergency call system/device, including frontal and lateral collisions, as well as rollover
child restraint devices tests
vehicle seats tests
vehicles and tractors cabins tests
safety-belts anchorages tests
fuel tanks tests
steering wheels tests
The safety of the driver or passengers inside the vehicle by restricting the mobility of the body can be ensured using restraint systems, and thus both the likelihood and the severity of human injury in the event of an accident are reduced.
tests for vehicles’ of M1 and N categories door locks and hinges strength
commercial vehicles cabins tests
M1 category vehicles bumpers tests
tests of front and rear underrun protection devices for trucks of categories N2 and N3
large-scale vehicle rollover testing
static tests of tractor cabin protective devices
Accident Emergency Call System/Device is a device that performs and ensures the determination of the coordinates, speed, direction of movement of the vehicle, transmission of a message about the vehicle in case of a traffic accident and other accidents in manual mode and two-way voice communication with accident emergency services via mobile radiotelephone networks connections.