track length is 8.2 km;
track carriageway width is 7.5 m.
The track is intended for vehicles mileage accumulation tests for reliability and fatigue strength.
track length is 6.7 km;
track carriageway width is 3.5 m.
Cobblestone pavement on a sandy subbase and a cement concrete base (common with the outer lane).
The track is intended for (accelerated) mileage accumulation tests of vehicles.
track length is 6.7 km;
carriageway width is 4 m (two tracks of 1.75 m each, separated by a concrete strip 0.5 m wide).
Surface of tracks made of cobblestone embedded in concrete on a cement-concrete base (common with the internal lane).
track carriageway width of all sections is 7.5 m;
Even cobblestone pavement on sandy sub-base and cement concrete base. Sections paved with cobblestone embedded in concrete, with threshold irregularities on a cement concrete base